Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Title goes here. Something catchy and ever so clever...

Well here we are. I haven't updated this blog for *coughs* years. It hardly matters. It's the equivalent of writing in a diary no one else can read anyway.

Recent events have moved me to write again. Partly because we have, seemingly, another example of the 'it wasn't me, it's not my fault, can't prove a thing' culture.

I've been to Civitavecchia and Livorno on a cruise a few years ago. Quite shocked that this can happen to a liner so quickly due to negligence and error. More shocked that the days of the Captain being the last to leave seem to be gone. Also surprised at his insistence that he did nothing wrong. The courts will have to decide whether being in lifeboat in the sea counts as 'co-ordinating the rescue'. I know what I think.

As an interpreter, sometimes, I have a lot of responsibility. Most of the time (99%) it's not in life threatening situations. I'd like to think if I was ever in charge of 114,000 tons of metal and over 4,000 lives I'd hold my hand up and admit if I'd made a mistake. I know I would if I cocked up an interpreting assignment.

Where did our acceptance of personal responsibility go?

And while we're on the subject of large ocean going vessels and catastrophic folly (oh yes we were, did you miss the briefing?), I find it far too coincidental that as one large ship goes down we are in the process of debating whether we should spend squillions on another.

Unfortunately I've managed to hear/see/catch/be-anally-probed-about some of the arguments about whether we (Royal we?) should in some way (taxpayer/private/rob-our-collective-pension-fund) pay for a new Royal yacht. In between spitting incandescent feathers of pure rage I found myself reading about the Govt's attempts to stop benefit scroungers. The Lords (tugs forelock *Gawd bless the bally lot of 'em) have now passed the Govt proposals to introduce PIP and more rigorous testing for disabled people. The aim is reduce benefit fraud by 20% thus saving millions. Cos we're living in austere times doncha know.

It could be said I'm slightly left of centre. I prefer to think of myself as pro-democracy. And as soon as we have one I'm going to start voting again. However, I'm also against the scroungers in society and support cost saving measures. With this in mind I'd like to humbly submit a scrounger for the consideration of the Daily Fail.

Her name is Liz and she lives in London. If the DWP act quickly maybe we can stop her getting a free yacht at the expense of disabled people, 700,000 public sector workers, the NHS, Uncle Tom Cobley and my cat Tig.